Monday, April 12, 2010

Waffles and peeing boys

Leah, Yoann, and I are heading to Amsterdam this morning after three days in Brussels. It's been fun, we've seen the sights, drank lots of Belgian beer, and eaten waffles everyday. We checked out a comic book museum on Saturday that was really neat (especially for Yoann). They had lots of Tintin stuff (a well known comic book from back in the day), and Leah and I each bought one titled Tintin in America. I started reading it and so far he beats up Al Capones gang. Pretty sweet. We hung out by this statue of a peeing boy that is super famous; they even dress it up in costumes! It was a vampire rabbit on Saturday.

It's been nice in Belgium because people speak French. The signs in Flemmish are pretty awesome though. Lots and lots and lots of consonants....

One city down and on to the next! Can't wait to see the canals of Amsterdam!!!!

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  1. I hope you took some pictures of the peeing boy especially dressed up. My imagination isn't good enough to visualize a vampire rabbit peeing boy statue. Only in Europe!

  2. My uncle and his family lived in Brussels for a year and my cousins went to a french/english school there. Definitely loved Belgium when I visited!


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