Friday, August 7, 2009

15 Days...

So, after a failed attempt at hosting my own website with iWeb (a program on my mac) and some free site based in New Zealand resulted in hackers and google blocking my blog, I've resorted to a blogspot. Not as awesome as my other blog, but it will do.

Hopefully I'll be able to put some pics up and keep you all updated with what I'm up to abroad (awesome adventures, for sure!). I have about two weeks left before I leave, and I can't quite believe it. It definitely hasn't sunk in yet at all. I'm still working my summer job (I'm actually at work right now, working an overnight shift...), trying to pack up my apartment for the move out, painting my mom's house, enjoying summer. The idea of flying overseas in a jet and landing in Paris, attempting to speak nothing but French, living with complete strangers who are to become my French "family"...........not quite making connections in my brain that its real. For now, I'll keep on playing mini golf, going for walks to Picnic Point, sitting at the terrace watching sunsets, and putzing around the internet at work. I'm trying to enjoy my last two weeks.

I'm unbelievably excited to go abroad. I've wanted to study in France for as long as I can remember. I know it's going to be a big shock, and they've gone over the whole "wave of culture shock/emotions" with us at orientation. I'm definitely at the top of a wave right now....the only thing I'm not looking forward to is packing. A suitcase to fit a whole year. Wow.

Oh and just so everyone knows, Rennes is a city in the Northwest of France, in an area called Brittany. Its actually the regional capitol of Brittany, and has a population of around 200,000 (60,000 students!!!!). Its the smallest city in the world to have its own métro. Pretty cool, huh? I'll be attending the Université de Haute Bretagne II, but I don't know my classes yet. I'll have to take a placement test first before I register. Check this site out for some cool panoramas of Rennes. Its in French, but you can just click on the picture. There's an English version of the site too, but its doesn't have the cool pics. Anyways, I'll write to you all again soon!

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