Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Warming up by the fire

I'm at home, sitting by the fireplace, enjoying a bit of peace (after a pretty peaceful day)....

Today Leah and I bought our plane tickets home. Doesn't seem like that big of deal, but it got me thinking. Up until now, I was just going about my days here in Rennes, which has been kind of just like a giant vacation from the real world, with out much thinking of how one day I am in fact going to have to go back. Sure, I've thought of the things I want to do when my plane touches down in Chicago (Mickey's Dairy Bar and a BIG GIANT NON ESPRESSO REAL COFFEE from Indie), but home seemed very very far away. I now have a deadline. May 24th I'll be heading non-stop to Chicago in an airplane, waving goodbye to Rennes and a fantastic year abroad.

Leah and I counted the days. 124 (soon to be 123). I now have 124 days to do absolutely everything I want to do. All the cafés and pastries and traveling and galettes and chaï and silly French people I can handle. I'm hoping its enough. I've always been that person that writes a million lists and then never looks at them again. This time, I'm going to write that list of things I want to do and I'm going to cross them off. (well hopefully most of them)

Other exciting news: Elise is coming on Friday (as in a day and a half!). I foresee lots of adventures in France (and possibly elsewhere?). Its been so great to have visits from home. After 5 months away, seeing Hank and now Elise has been a big boost of morale. I'm leaving Friday morning to get her from the airport and we're going to spend the weekend in Paris, doing awesome Parisian things. The Louvre is open late on Fridays, so I think we're going to take advantage of that, and if the weathers holds, maybe a picnic with La Tour Eiffel herself on Saturday. J'ai hâte de la voir!!!!!

Random French quirk: They like to change the titles of English movies into different titles, in ENGLISH. Not even in French. A few examples:
The Hangover = A Very Bad Trip
Pirate Radio = Good Morning England
Whip It (which I saw yesterday) = Bliss
I can understand translated titles into your language, but really? A Very Bad Trip? C'mon.

Well, its getting awful close to my bedtime. Being in a house with kids has lead to me catching un rhume several times this semester....even Sophie's (my host moms) essential oils and teas can't ward of all illness. So, its off to bed to battle a cold I go......

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