Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Tonight I'm going to a fest noz sponsored by the CIREFE, which should be interesting. The last fest noz I went to was a lot of fun, even though I felt like a tool waving my pinkie around and running in circles. For those of you out of the Breton loop, Fest Noz means fête de nuit in French, which means nighttime party in good old English. It's a Celtic tradition from way back in the day, and it involves traditional dancing (ie pinkie holding) and music. Oh, and traditional Breton cider!!! You know Bilbo's birthday party in the beginning of LOTR with all the hobbits running about and making merry? They're kind of like that. Brings out the hobbit in you, I swear.

This weekend Leah, Taylor and I are headed to Bordeaux! We're staying with Taylor's friend and he's getting us cheap tickets to a soccer game!!! He's one of those soccer hooligans and will hopefully teach us all the cheers. Also exciting, our visit coincides with a bunch of other CIREFEers, so a bunch of us will be in Bordeaux together. It should be fun!

This weekend is also the weekend of Easter (Pâques en français). In France, it's not a big friendly bunny who brings kids chocolate, it's a bunch of flying bells. Yep. Bells. I had my mom send me an Easter egg dye kit so my family can dye eggs. They don't do that on France, which I think is a tragedy.

Another funny French tradition: for April fools, kids cut fish shapes out of paper and try and stick them on each other's backs without the person noticing. Lucile's class is planning an ambush on their maîtresse, so she made a huge one complete with stickers and scales.

Being over here has made me really appreciate how into traditions americains are...we know how to do holidays right! Decorations and Christmas carols, Easter eggs, thanksgiving dinner and the Macy Day Parade (that one isn't really france's fault, but I did have two failed turkey day meals attempts here in November)...

But beware: next April Fools, I might just bring this fish idea over the sea...and I'll be pinkie dancing the whole time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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